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What Is A Credit Bureau?

Credit bureaus track personal, financial and credit information on individuals. This includes information taken from public records, personal identification and debt information. With the exception of back child support payments, creditors supply information on a voluntary basis. Credit bureaus are strictly private ‘for profit’ entities, and are not government institutions.

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Equifax Credit Information Services, Inc
P.O. Box 740241
Atlanta, GA 30374
To order report: 1-800-685-1111
To report fraud: 1-800-525-6285
Web site:


National Consumer Assistance Center
PO Box 2002
Allen, TX 75013
To order report: 1-888-397-3742
To report fraud: 1-888-397-3742
Web site:

TransUnion LLC

P.O. Box 1000
Chester, PA 19022
To order report: 1-800-888-4213
Web site:

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Frequently Asked Question

The three (3) major credit bureaus pass information to additional minor or less well known credit bureaus. Each major credit bureau therefore will cover at least one-third of your total credit history. And even though your credit report may display the name of an otherwise unknown small credit bureau, the fine print will show a major credit bureau is ultimately supplying the information.

Credit bureaus report credit information for a period of seven (7) years. Some states have special provisions for collections and paid liens. Chapter 7 and Chapter 11 bankruptcies are each reported for 10 years, and chapter 13 bankruptcy is reported for 10 years, both measured from the date of the filing.

The credit bureaus will tell you that it is easier and less expensive to do it yourself. While it may be true that you have the right to repair your credit yourself, many individuals do not have the time, experience and organizational savvy necessary to deal with bureaucracies. You must also spend hours of study to gain a working knowledge of the consumer laws available to you. Many who start repairing their credit turn to a credit repair company after months of work.

You would think that would be true. But, again, the credit reporting system just doesn’t work that way. When you pay an old debt, the negative credit listing doesn’t disappear. In fact, it re-ages and the seven year clock begins again with that negative listing. And, the most ironic thing is that a paid, current negative listing is not any better than an unpaid negative listing. That’s not always true, but in most cases, you won’t get much further by paying the old debt. The good news is that we can help you settle those debts and save you a lot of money in the process.

In that case a credit repair service may not be the best thing for you. Lenders are typically more amenable toward extending credit to persons with no credit history, than to persons with a history of bad credit. A steady source of income, money in a bank account, or a relative willing to cosign your credit application may be all you need.

A credit bureau is a commercial business. It makes money by selling your credit report to others. A person with bad credit means more business for them as such a person applies for credit about ten (10) times more than a person with good credit.

Anyone who wants information for a business transaction between you and them may obtain your credit report. This may include an insurance company, a prospective landlord, a prospective employer, a collector, or a government official.

The most common reasons are that individuals either have already tried themselves and obtained limited results, or they just don’t have the time to undertake this task. If you decide to use us, you can be assured that you will be receiving the best assistance and service possible.

There is no definite answer because it depends on your initial credit status, your dedication to review your credit report and prepare letters to each of the credit bureaus, and how long it takes you to learn your credit rights by familiarizing yourself with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). You must remain organized and effectively draft your correspondence to the credit bureaus. This process can easily take over a year of diligent work. Or, you can hire The Credit Guru to work proactively on your behalf.

Again there is no definite answer, only definite advantages as the time varies depending on the initial credit status of each customer. Using The Credit Guru eliminates the time invested in learning credit laws and drafting correspondence for the paper chase with the credit bureaus. It frees you from crafting carefully worded correspondence and following each dispute. The credit bureaus will be less inclined to view a credit challenge from a recognized credit repair company as frivolous or unfounded. On average it takes between 3 to 8 months Depending on your situation, it may take as little as 3 and as much as 6 months or more for The Credit Guru to repair your credit.

Yes, you are able to apply for credit cards while repairing your credit, but you should take care to make sure that you do indeed get approved for any credit you request. Remember, even mere inquiries from prospective lenders are treated as negative credit data. Find out what the lending institution’s criteria is for granting the credit card or loan you want before submitting the application and make sure that you fit and can meet their criteria. If not, you SHOULD NOT apply as it will only add negative credit information to your credit history.

As part of your service with The Credit Guru for credit restoration services, we will evaluate your credit report that tells us which items on your credit report you desire for The Credit Guru to challenge. All credit listings showing up on the credit report which you advise us are assumed to be inaccurate or unverifiable will be subjected to a dispute. Once we’ve received your credit reports , we will construct letters of dispute in your name. These letters are specifically designed to communicate your dispute in such a way that the credit bureaus will be more likely to accept the dispute and conduct an investigation of the disputed item.

While this may sound easy, any person who has attempted to dispute their own credit will tell you otherwise. According to federal law, the credit bureaus can ignore your dispute under a variety of conditions. In our experience, a large percentage of dispute letters sent directly from consumers are rejected under one credit bureau pretext or another.

At the conclusion of the credit bureau’s investigation, a new copy of the credit report will be sent to your address showing any deletions or improvements as a result of The Credit Guru services. You then copy and send us the new credit report and the cycle repeats itself at timed intervals.

A disputed credit listing must be accurate and verifiable for it to remain on the credit report. If the credit listing is only somewhat inaccurate, the credit bureau may simply change the item to correct the inaccuracies. Very often, though, disputed credit items cannot be verified: the creditor either no longer possesses the information or does not wish to go to the trouble of verifying it. Also, the reinvestigation must be completed within 30 days or the listing must be removed. For these reasons, properly disputed credit listings are removed with remarkable frequency. Each time an investigation is commenced, the odds of receiving a particular deletion increases.

Disputing your credit report is your right. Credit restoration is as legal as pleading “not guilty” in a court of law.

On occasion, a negative listing that was recently deleted will eventually be verified by the creditor. The Fair Credit Reporting Act requires that the credit bureau inform you of reinstatement of a previously deleted listing. The FCRA also makes it more difficult for credit bureaus to re-report listings. Because of these factors, it is fairly rare for listings to come back on your credit history once they’ve been deleted. If an item is re-reported, it is a simple matter to challenge the listing again at a future time in order to press for permanent deletion.

Most people visit this website after they have been denied credit. Most even know the specific nature of the negative listings appearing on their credit report. With this in mind, it is not necessary to know exactly what is appearing on the credit report before we begin work. It is only necessary to know that there is a credit history problem which needs to be addressed. One amazing thing about bad credit is that almost any small amount of bad credit will trigger universal credit denial. A little bad credit isn’t much better than a ton. So, if you believe that there might only be a couple of negative listings on your credit report, it still makes sense to hire The Credit Guru for the time it takes to remove those listings.


None of the information contained on any of The Credit Guru web pages is meant to be legal service advice or a substitute therefore. We provide the information contained on these web pages comprising the The Credit Guru web site solely to assist you with our proven methods of restoring credit and getting negative, erroneous, incorrect, obsolete, and misleading information removed from your credit reports for the purpose of re-establishing your good credit. The Credit Guru can even help you restore your credit after filing bankruptcy… you can usually establish new credit within six months of the bankruptcy discharge. A bankruptcy will usually generate several entries on your credit report, and you (or your authorized agent) must be diligent to make sure that the post-bankruptcy credit history is addressed.